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P3 21.4.20 update

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you are switching off and heading out to enjoy the sunshine if you haven’t already!

It has been great to see so many of you on study ladder and sumdog today completing the tasks – remember the sumdog time assessment is there. It has been great to see lots of you doing well on it.

We have managed to speak to a few children and adults today and it has been so lovely to hear your cheerful and happy voices. We are looking forward to hearing from you all by the end of the week. Just a wee reminder that it will show up as no caller ID on your phone.

Thank you to OM for sending in the photos of his giant lego model this afternoon. We think we should build the hotel in Spain and all go there on holiday as soon as we can!

Have a great evening everyone!

Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

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