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P3 Learning 27.4.20

Bonjour la classe!
Ça va aujourd’hui? Moi, ça va très bien, merci.
Your teachers enjoyed chatting with you last week and we loved hearing about how some of you have celebrated your 8th birthday while in Lockdown. P3sw children who have celebrated so far are EB, CC, NF and JR. Joyeuse Anniversaire! We will tell you about the P3fw birthdays this afternoon.
Your teachers will be in touch again this week for a wee catch-up. You can also use the Blog or school office email to share learning or ask questions.
Here are your Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today and your weekly “other curricular areas” grid. We hope you enjoy them!
Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

27.4.20 Home learning Literacy

27.4.20 Home learning Numeracy

wb 27.4 Home learning grid 3 Other Curricular Areas

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