P1 14.5.20
Good morning Primary 1!
We have been enjoying speaking to most of you on the telephone this week. If we haven’t managed to get through to you and you wish to make contact with us please send an e-mail to the school office and they will forward it on.
Next week some of our videos will include life skills so watch out for lessons on how to tie your shoe laces, how to peel and grate a carrot and how to cut up a cucumber! Add a carrot and cucumber to your shopping list if you wish to join in with these activities!
We hope that you all received you new packs of worksheets yesterday. Perhaps you could take one of the scavenger hunts with you on a walk and see how many things you can spot.
Here are today’s Literacy and Numeracy tasks:
Today’s video is of Mrs Messenger reading The Hungry Caterpillar in French!
If you would like to watch the English version read by Mrs Murdoch in nursery click on the second link.
WhatsApp Video 2020-05-13 at 14.41.20
The photographs below show the seedlings of basil and mixed flowers that E in 1c has been growing. The herb basil has a lovely smell and is used a lot in Italian food. It is also used to make pesto.
Have a good day!
Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook