Primary 1 Home Learning 15.5.20
Good morning Primary 1!
We hope you have had a good week of learning at home and are ready for a few more activities today. Here they are below:
Below we also have a short video of Mrs Cook showing you step by step how to tie your shoe laces. This is an important life skill that could be working on at home just now. Feel free to let us know how you get on with this task by leaving a comment on the blog!
Today there is a West Lothian Sumdog Maths competition beginning at 8 am and finishes on Friday the 21st of May at 8 pm! If you log on to Sumdog using your username and password that was provided in your first pack you should be able to take part (if you are unable to log in or find your password, we can provide you with these details via the school office email). Good luck!!
Next week we are planning on doing an activity that involves making your own minibeast food creation! You may wish to plan this over the weekend and get some of ingredients you require. Your teachers will be having fun making theirs over the weekend. Keep your eyes peeled to see them next week!
Enjoy today’s activities and have a good weekend!
Miss Johnstone, Mrs Cook, Mrs Messenger and Miss Hendrie