P3 Update 21.5.20
Good afternoon, Primary 3.
Happy birthday to TE who celebrates her birthday today!
It has been another beautiful day and we hope that you can get outside to enjoy the sunshine. Yesterday Miss Foote did lots of reading in her garden and Mrs Settle had a lovely walk. Here are some pictures of the walk:
RW had a water fight in her garden. That sounds like fun!
SK has been busy making bird feeders and she also shared a picture of her inventor’s laboratory. You have been very creative this week, SK.
The Sumdog competition finishes at 8pm this evening so there is still time to earn more points. Both classes are doing very well with P3sw currently in 97th place in West Lothian and P3fw in amazing 32nd place!
We will find out tomorrow how the competition finished… We can’t wait!
Take care!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle