P2 2019/2020 Final Lock down post
This is our final last day in Primary 2- very different to how we imagined! By now you should have all seen who is directed to be your teachers for P3. We are sad to be letting you go. I feel very attached to this year group as the first group I have had for 2 consecutive years- and are truly an amazing bunch. Of course, Miss Purdie knows you well too and so does Mrs Hastings- she has often been visiting our classes, do you remember? This is because we told her how amazing you guys were at leading learning topic books and talking about skills. Her time in class was often followed by a discussion in the staff room about how lovely and smart you all were.
Parents we know the struggle has been a real challenge to occupy and teach our younger children at home, and juggling family and work commitments too. We applaud you and have fully valued people who were able to allocate a bit of time to chat to us on the phone and send in pictures. That was just as beneficial for us as it was for the children.
We are of course looking forward to the summer holidays, as you are and hopefully we will be more able to go more places and do more things. But what we are looking forward to, even more, is hearing the children’s voices inside school and outside all having fun together.
All our love and thanks,
Miss Craig and Miss Morland