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Nursery- learning update

Good morning everyone

Last week at nursery our children continued to impress the ladies with their independence skills when getting themselves ready on arrival, when going home and when getting prepared for outdoor play.

We continue to explore feelings and emotions.

Our children are developing some lovely relationships with their peers.

We hope that you all liked our drawings we brought home last week, we are developing our fine motor skills and practising how to hold our pencil properly.

This week (week beginning 31/08/2020) staff will be making phone calls home to catch up with everyone, this is due to us not being able to have as much face to face communication as we are used to.  We look forward to speaking to you all.

This week we will be focusing on numbers….counting to 10 forwards and backwards and recognising numbers 0-10.

We look forward to another week of learning and fun with our friends.

Have a great week everyone, take care

The Nursery team x

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