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Nursery - Friday 9th October 2020

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well.

At nursery we continue to explore Autumn.  Our learners have been extending their knowledge of the season, using Autumn materials to create lovely artwork and further developing numeracy skills using leaves and conkers for counting, ordering and creating patterns.  We have enjoyed visits to the forest with our friends.

We are loving all our children’s observations and seeing their progress on their learning journals, please remember to log in and view these at your leisure.  If anyone needs support to set this up, please let a member of the team know and we can help with this.

There have been some recent changes to our nursery setting as we continue to ensure the safety of our children at all times.  Our children are now in 2 separate bubbles, meaning that they have their own room.  Each group has their own area in the garden ensuring we can still provide free flow outdoor play.  The red and yellow group are in the rainbow room with Miss Prentice, Mrs Keast, Miss Darcy and Miss Greig.  The orange, green and purple group are in the sunshine room (the room looking out onto the school playground) with Mrs Murdoch, Mrs McNee, Mrs Pecoriello, Miss Dickson, Miss Crighton and Miss Copeman.  Our little learners helped us to set up their new nursery environment and the rooms are looking fantastic with so many engaging and exciting experiences for all.

Can we please remind parents/carers to provide a few changes of clothes in your child’s bag as we cannot use spares.

Thank you all for your continued support.

The Nursery Team

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