P4s Blog it!
We have had a busy second term at school. Here are some of the learning that has taken place:
We have been learning carrying to add and subtract in numeracy. It took a wee while to learn but I got there. TM
We have been learning about persuasive writing. We wrote a poster to persuade people to buy bird cake. JR
We designed posters. TE
The posters were to persuade people to donate clothes, money, toys and food to charity. AW
We wrote letters to Tom Fletcher. EW
We wanted to tell Tom Fletcher that we are fans of his books. NY
We have been reading the Christmasaurus and it’s funny. AA
We learnt that Jewish people light a candle each night for eight nights to celebrate Hanukkah. RB
We learnt that there is a celebration for when a new year starts and when the new year starts the date goes back to January 1st. JL
We hope all our friends and families have a safe and merry Christmas and a happy New Year