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Primary 7c

In P7c we have been making the most of the better weather and enjoying some time learning outdoors. We have enjoyed exploring numeracy and mathematics challenges through orienteering. We also had fun on our recent visit to Meadow Park. As part of our outdoor learning for term 4, we will be using problem solving skills to complete many activities outdoors. These will involve team work, determination and resilience. We hope as much as possible for this to resemble the camp experience that P7 learners normally have.

In PE we have started to learn about Tennis. We have been practising grip, stance, forehand, backhand and serving. We have played some mini-tennis games and are having fun experiencing all the different skills involved in Tennis. In health our focus has been on relationships. We have been looking at ways to stay safe online and to deal with cyber bullying. We have also been learning about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and other drugs.

We have been taking a trip down memory lane this week in writing. We have been writing about our favourite memories from primary school. In reading we have been creating our own questions about the text and answering questions about the text.

In IDL we have been focusing on Life Cycles. We learned that different living things have different life cycles. We worked cooperatively with others to create posters about the Life cycle of a frog.

In maths we have started to work on 2D Shape. We have enjoyed exploring the circle and finding out about the connection between its diameter and circumference. In maths, we are beginning to look at different 2D shapes and their properties. In particular, this involves demonstrating a good understanding of maths vocabulary such as sides, corners, symmetry and angles.

Primary 7c have been busy completing their S1 Transition tasks on Teams each week. For one of our Art and Design transition tasks we had to create our own colour wheel. In PE we have tried some beat the teacher challenges and fitness activities. We also completed a quiz to help us to think about future career options. All of these activities are helping us to prepare for secondary school.


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