Learn it! Log it! Blog it! P5f 28.5.21
We are designing and making our own chocolates and put them into wrappers that we have also designed and made. We are learning this as we are finding out all about Fairtrade because our topic is The Island and people grow cocoa beans on islands.
We have been writing narratives which is a fiction text. Our narratives have been about exploring an island.
In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning about time. We have been reading clocks and working out durations of time.
In PE we have been playing rounders and learning how to play a team sport. We have been working on bat and ball skills, accuracy and pace and stamina.
We are very excited to make our own chocolates and wrappers.
We are also looking forward to Fitness Fortnight and Sports Day even though it might look a bit different this year.