In P2mb we have been learning...
Numeracy/ Maths
IS- We have been counting in 10s
RI – We made snakes to show counting in 10s
LY – We made robots to show tens and units
EP – We have been learning about 3D shapes like a cuboid.
VH – We have been learning the sounds ‘lt’ like felt and tilt
MS – We made kilts to practice the end sound ‘lt’
MM – We made scarfs for the sound ‘sc’
OR – We have been learning how doors and windows open and close
AE – We have been learning about houses and we read the story The Three Little Pigs
HM- We have been learning to jump high and far
AF – We have learning to jump from 1 foot to 2 feet.
JF – We have been walking, jogging and sprinting
CK – We have been playing Jacques a dit (Simon says) and counting numbers.