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P5M Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

We enjoyed our Christmas Party and we have also been taking part in fun vertical learning experiences in our classrooms whereby we have been looking at different aspects of our learning including dancing, ICT and art.

In maths we have been looking at measuring and bringing together all of our different aspect of measuring which includes weighing, measuring length and height as well as beginning to look at volume.  In particular, we been looking at grams and kilograms and looking at the relationship between the two as well as looking at how to make comparrsions between millilitres and litres.

In topic, we have been presenting our researching skills by delivering a class presentation to our peers – it was great to see how engaged the class audience were as some presentations included a question and answer session which was an amazing addition.

Thank you everyone for making the first 2 terms of P5 so incredible and we hope you have a jolly Christmas and a great New Year!

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