P4 Learn It! Log It! Blog It!
P4hs have been very busy making and decorating cake pops to sell at the Christmas Fayre as part of our Enterprise project. It was so much fun and we sold every last one at the Christmas Fayre last Friday. A big thank you to everyone who bought a cake pop.
We also made our Christmas banner with a gingerbread house theme. We each made a snowflake and we put a photograph of ourselves on our snowflakes!
We have finished our Egyptians topic which we all enjoyed and we are now focusing on our Farm to Fork topic.
In writing, we have been focusing on poetry and we wrote some amazing shape poems and acrostic poems. To help us with writing poems we learned about alliteration, similes and metaphors and lastly onomatopoeias, WOW!
In PE we were learning to play bench ball as we attended a Bench ball Festival at Armadale Community Centre with Southdale Primary and Blackridge Primary. We really enjoyed our bench ball festival and scored lots of goals.
In RME we have been learning about different bible stories and this week we focused on the Nativity story.
We have also been learning the words for our favourite pets and animals in French.
Our class novel is The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch which we are hoping to finish before we break up for Christmas.