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P4s Blog Update 29.01.23

Happy New Year everyone! We have had a busy start to the year and the term.

In Literacy, we have been focusing on the Scots language, learning lots of new vocabulary. We have been reading Scots poetry and even wrote our very own poems using the Scots vocabulary that we have learnt – this was lots of fun! We also explored The Tiger Who Came to Tea and used this as a basis for writing our own narratives.

We have begun our new topic, Scottish Wars of Independence and we are working hard to plan, rehearse and eventually perform a class assembly all about our topic in the coming weeks. We hope to see lots of you there!

In Maths, we are learning all about time, including the days and months in a year, the seasons and reading from an analogue and digital clock – we have really enjoyed this topic so far.

In Numeracy, we are moving onto multiplication and division and we are really enjoying learning our times tables through active games, including Around the World, it’s one of our favourites!

It’s Languages week soon and we have lots of exciting lessons to look forward to including decorate your door competition… France is our country of choice and we can’t wait to get started on planning and decorating next week!


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