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P4s Class Blog

In Primary 4s we have started our Titanic Topic (The Unsinkable Ship) and we have been receiving secret missions which we have had to complete in class.  We have received 6 missions so far and completed them all in class.

We have created a fantastic Titanic display and have shown how the three different classes of passengers would have travelled by creating a diorama.

Here are some of our highlights from last term –

OO – We had a lovely party for Mrs Sage when she was leaving at the end of Term 3.

CM – We all had a lovely time with Mrs Sage.

PA – We are reading our new class novel (Matilda) which is really good.

FG – We had our P4 which was all about The Wars of Independence – it was good!

NS – I enjoyed reading the Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch.

EP – In PE we have got amazing at our ball skills and have started playing rounders.

SB – I enjoyed the benchball festival.

AM – I enjoyed learning about art and my favourite piece was  creating the irn bru bottle in the style of Gillian Kyle.

RL – I enjoyed making our wall display of the Titanic.

AZ – I enjoy art in general.

AC – I enjoyed reading the Wild Robot with Mrs Sage.

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