Useful Information
Please find in the link below information about attendance in Armadale Cluster.
Attendance Flyer (PDF, 264 KB)(opens new window)
Feeling the Pinch Fund
This is for specific, one-off funding for low income households who need help but are not suitable for any other type of support. The Feeling the Pinch Fund can provide a grant of up to £300 toward essential items or to cover unexpected costs. This could include:
- Household items
- Essential clothing
- Replacement of lost or broken essential items such as a phone
- Help toward unexpected bills or payments such as repairs, travel costs or moving expenses
This list is not exhaustive and all applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Please note, however, that this fund cannot be used to pay toward debt.
Applications will be accepted from council services and third sector organisations who are working directly with marginalised low income households. Referrals should be made through the FORT system to the Advice Shop with 'Feeling the Pinch Fund' clearly marked in the referral note.
It is also helpful if you can include:
- Details of the specific costs being applied for eg travel costs, household items, unexpected bills etc
- Why the costs being applied for are essential for the client
- Other sources of financial support the applicant has tried to access and reasons why this is not suitable.
Once a referral is accepted, an advisor will contact the client to ask for more information and ask for evidence of costs to be covered. If granted, applicants will also be asked for evidence of their bank account details and payment will then be made by bank transfer which can take up to 5 working days.
For further information about the Feeling the Pinch Fund, contact
WLC Fuel Grant
The Advice Shop is administering a winter energy grant fund to help those who are in fuel poverty and/or at risk of disconnection.
The WLC Fuel Grant is a one off payment of £75.00 made to a household via their bank account to help with fuel costs and to keep them on supply.
If you have a client who is
- i)struggling to top up their prepayment meters and keeps running out of gas or electric
- ii)has a dry meter but is struggling to pay their fuel bill and is at risk of being disconnected from supply
- iii)is spending more than 10% of their net income (minus rent/mortgage payments) on their fuel costs
Then they could be eligible for a £75.00 payment.
They will be required to complete a short income and expenditure form and will also need to provide proof of their bank account details to allow payment to be made.
As this money is paid via bank transfer (which can take up to 5 working days) the WLC Fuel Grant is not an emergency payment. However, working alongside other emergency support via the Scottish Welfare Fund Crisis Grant payments and the Fuel bank Foundation, it could help someone who is feeling overwhelmed or worried by energy costs.
Referrals for this grant should be made via FORT to the Advice Shop Energy Advice Team and an advisor will then contact the client to go through the application process.
Any questions about this grant can be directed to
Please find below information about Blackburn United Community Sports Club Athletics.

Advice Shop
We know this can be a challenging time for some households.
If you have money worries and need help, please contact the Advice Shop by phoning 01506 283000 to speak to an adviser who can offer advice and support. Or complete the referral form:
If you are in urgent need of immediate financial assistance West Lothian Council's Scottish Welfare Fund may be able to help. Please refer to the guidance to apply for a crisis grant:
Citizen's Advice Bureau
The 'Money Talks' team is a Scottish Government sponsored scheme specifically introduced to help families and older people at or approaching retirement age or any other low income household. This is a very positive programme which will have a major contribution to the reduction in Child Poverty.
The team can offer a free, complete and confidential financial health check to make sure a family has all the support needed and where there is some worry about debt to get access to specialist help. The check can also identify if the family is paying too much for services like gas and electricity.
We can access other specialist services about money, work, benefits or indeed any other issue that a family might need a bit of advice about.
Parents can get in touch by:
Calling our advice line - 01506 432977 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) and ask for a call back from Money Talks.
Texting us on 07712 305764
Emailing us at and ask for Money Talks
Visiting our website Citizens Advice Bureau - West Lothian (opens new window) where they can find links to self-help advice and how to access the national Money Talks service.
Information from Parent Club
Parent Club has developed a Return of School and Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Campaign to help parents to feel supported to abide by all current restrictions (both themselves and their children) throughout the phased return to schools and ELC settings. By following the rules, parents and children can help keep schools and nurseries open, and will help to open the school gates for more pupils.
Information for schools about mumps has been included below.
Mumps information (PDF, 172 KB)(opens new window)
Please find below information about Empowering Parents and Carers.
Empowering Parents and Carers (PDF, 822 KB)(opens new window)
Information has been included below about the school bus service.
School Bus (PDF, 194 KB)(opens new window)
Information about Digital Technology enhancing learning and teaching can be found below.
How Does Digital Technology Enhance Learning and Teaching (PDF, 270 KB)(opens new window)
Please find below information leaflet produced by Healthier Scotland which offers information on Norovirus, the winter vomiting bug.
Please find below an information leaflet produced by Internet Matters which offers information, guidance and strategies for parents to help tackle overuse of consoles/devices.
Please find information below about the Simply Play fully funded places.