27th May End of Day Blog
Good afternoon everyone, and what a good afternoon it is indeed!
How lovely it was to speak with some of you on the phone and whilst out doing my school deliveries today. I hope you have made the most of the lovely weather and spent time outside in the sunshine?
I know that WS (P3FW) was enjoying being out on his scooter this morning when I called and, no doubt LM (P3FW) will be out on her new scooter that she was given for her birthday today. SK (P3FW) was planning to do a spot of gardening, planting the some Lavender.
In literacy, you were asked to write a narrative, describing your crazy inventor’s bad day. HG (P3SW) and MS (P3FW) wanted to share their pictures and stories.
In numeracy and maths, you were investigating fifths, using the 4 operations and following directions. Well done to AA, EB, EW, FS, OMcG, SJ (P3SW) and MM, MA, RB, SK and TG (P3FW) who have all logged on to Study Ladder today.
One of the extra tasks this week was to have a go at Coding. TG (P3FW) really enjoyed it and is looking forward to when the tasks get even more challenging.
We do love seeing your work each day. If you would like to send something in for us to share, please use the following e mail address
Mrs Welsh, Mrs Settle and Miss Foote