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What's on this week in Windyknowe!

Find out what's on in school.

Monday 9th September

P1 and P2 children will line up in the front playground at 3.15pm facing the nursery building, with their teachers. Parents and carers should gather facing the lines in the designated area of the playground

P3-P7 will be escorted to the main gate and leave from the pedestrian walkway onto Windyknowe Crescent

Tuesday 10th September

Zoolab in school visiting P1 and P2

P1 and P2 children will line up in the front playground at 3.15pm facing the nursery building, with their teachers. Parents and carers should gather facing the lines in the designated area of the playground

P3-P7 will be escorted to the main gate and leave from the pedestrian walkway onto Windyknowe Crescent

Wednesday 11th September

Library Services visiting P2 and P3

P1 and P2 children will line up in the front playground at 3.15pm facing the nursery building, with their teachers. Parents and carers should gather facing the lines in the designated area of the playground

P3-P7 will be escorted to the main gate and leave from the pedestrian walkway onto Windyknowe Crescent

3.45pm - 5.45pm - P1 Curriculum Information Session

5pm - PSA - Everyone welcome

Thursday 12th September

P1 and P2 children will line up in the front playground at 3.15pm facing the nursery building, with their teachers. Parents and carers should gather facing the lines in the designated area of the playground

P3-P7 will be escorted to the main gate and leave from the pedestrian walkway onto Windyknowe Crescent

Friday 13th September

Holiday for school pupils

Monday 16th September

Holiday for school pupils

Tuesday 17th September

Holiday for school pupils
Wednesday 18th September 

STEAM workshops for P5 - P7  - Our World from Space

Reminders for the week

Breakfast club is open from 8am for those wishing breakfast. The playground is supervised from 8.25am for all other children.

If you would like to speak to a member of staff, contact the school via telephone or email to make an appointment.  

Punctuality is essential, if your child is late you must phone the school office.

Children are asked to bring a bottle of water with them each day.  Water bottles can be refilled if they require more.

We will be reminding children about the importance of hand washing.

Please ensure your child/children are clear about how they are getting home at the end of the school day.

When picking children up from the playground please remember to exit using the school car park and drive way to allow classes to go up the path.


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