End of Day Post 29th April 2020
Good afternoon everyone,
Mrs Welsh here, I hope you are all well? It was lovely today, getting to catch up with some of you. I have missed you all very much and it was nice to hear your voices and hear about all the things you have been doing with your families during our time away from school.
In your literacy and technology tasks, you have been asked to follow and create instructions – I’ve really enjoyed seeing pictures of some of the things you have been making. Thank you to AA (P3SW) for sending us a picture of the pizza you made by following a Jamie Oliver recipe. It looked delicious and made me feel very hungry!! Thank you also to WS (P3FW) who sent a picture of the literacy work he has done today.
In numeracy, I can see that AC, FS, HG, SJ, EB, JR and TE (P3SW) and ZC, SK, TG, JB and MS (P3FW) have all tried out the 2D shape task that you were set on Study Ladder – well done and keep up the hard work.
I’ve been out in the garden over the weekend – planting some more vegetables and trying to find ways to stop the slugs nibbling on my new plants! However, the weather hasn’t been so nice over the past few days so I think I will curl up of the sofa and read a book or maybe work on my 1000 piece jigsaw. What will you be doing this afternoon? Whatever you decide, have fun, stay safe and I’ll catch up with you again tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs Welsh, Mrs Settle and Miss Foote