6th of May - End of Day Post
Buenas tardes ninas y ninos! Good afternoon boys and girls!
Cómo estás hoy? How are you today?
Me llamo Señora Welsh – My name is Mrs Welsh
Can you guess what I have been doing? I’ve been learning how to speak Spanish using the Duolingo App. I seem to have forgotten most of what I learned last year so I am having to go all the way back to the beginning and start again but I am having great fun practising.
Today, in literacy we asked you to write us a set of instructions on how to make or do something. TG (P3FW) shared instructions on how to get ready for bed. We will all use your instructions to get ready for bed tonight!
EW (P3SW) sent instructions on how to make soup. This made me very hungry so I decided to use your instructions to make a pot of soup for dinner tonight.
Some of you were working on reading and following instructions. Thank you to LB (P3FW) for pictures of you making shortbread. We loved seeing you and what you have been up to. In Maths, you were asked to log on to Studyladder and learn how to create tessellations using 2D shapes.
Well done to all those who logged on and gave this task a go – OC, HG, EW, AA (P3SW) and JB, MW, ZC (P3FW). Here is a photo of the fabulous tessellation that TG (P3FW) created.
Some of you continued to work on fractions over the holiday weekend. TE (P3SW) practised cutting her pizza into halves and then quarters. Well done!
We also asked you to have a look at the work of the famous artist Escher, who used tessellations to create beautiful works of art. EW (P3SW) created this beautiful picture inspired by his work.
Finally, we have some birthdays to celebrate. A great big Feliz Cumpleaños (Happy Birthday in Spanish) to HMcL, LB and MA who are all celebrating this week.
Enjoy the rest of your day in the Sun!
Mrs Welsh, Mrs Settle and Miss Foote