P3 Learning 15.5.20
Bonjour la classe!
Quel est la date aujourd’hui? Oui, c’est vendredi, quinze mai.
Thank you to TE and JR for sending examples of their hard work yesterday. Well done to both of you! Your work was accurate and well presented.
Here is the poster that OM created to explain what tenths are:
Here is a special message for her mum who helped her!Well, the weekend is almost here! Before that, we have some more activities for you. Here they are:
15.5..20 Home learning Literacy
15.5.20 P3 Home learning Numeracy
There is a West Lothian Sumdog competiton from 8am today until 8pm on Thursday 21.5.20. To enter, you just log on and play as normal but the scores for everyone in the class are added together. Let’s get the P3 classes on the leaderboard!
Stay safe!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle