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P3 Update 20.5.20

Good afternoon everyone!

Well we hope you have enjoyed the weather today so far! Still plenty of time to be outside. We have heard from lots of people about trampolines and paddling pools which has been lovely!

Thank you to TE (3sw) for sending over pictures of her fab art work! It looks great!

A huge well done to OC (p3sw) and ZC (p3fw) who have made it to the Sumdog top 50 leader board. You are also, currently, the top 2 players from Windyknowe – what an achievement! Lets keep the hard work up from everyone!

Miss Foote is off to read some of her book in the sunshine and Mrs Settle is off for a walk past the fields! We will be back in the morning with some more jobs!

From Miss Foote, Mrs Settle and Mrs Welsh

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