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P2 Competitions you may be interested in

Writing Competitions
After seeing some of your fabulous writing you have been managing to do, I thought you might be interested in entering competitions.  This could be something you maybe put your energies into,and set all other work. Tomorrow I will post details of drawing/ art competitions that look fabulous too! Of course, if you do try them out- let us know!
This first one seems the most exciting – and relevant

A theatre in London are looking for someone to write a story they would then turn into a stage show and this year the team are looking at Arthurian legends.  Think knights and dragons! More details on link below.

The prize for this one is £75,  enter by  20thJune 2020. Age 5-8Theme: Your Favourite Animal- Story starters- One day, outside the window, your favourite animal appears…

I’m not sure if there is an actual ‘Prize’ for this one but sounds fun and your  work would be online. If you are interested in science  and animals this is for you.

You have to come up with your own type of animal and give some reasons why it has had to change to suit where it lives.

The site also has its  random animal generator- I got a Hippo- Horse, that was green with a shell!. This could inspire very interesting drawings!

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