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4th June 2020 - End of Day Blog

Good Afternoon girls and boys,

I hope you have all had a lovely day, despite the awful weather!!!  We have been very busy in our house creating rocks to add to the Bathgate Community Celebration in Meadow Park.  Have any of you painted a rock to add the many, many already there?  If you send a picture, we can keep an eye out for them when we go to add ours tomorrow (with wellies and raincoats on!)

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Thank you to everyone who has shared work today.  We really enjoyed reading some of your narrative stories and wanted to share these ones which were sent in to us.

This one is by FS (P3SW)

This one was sent in by TG (P3FW)

I’m sure you will all agree that these stories are excellent and really show how much your writing has improved since the beginning of P3 !

We also enjoyed the videos sent in by JR (P3SW) and EW (P3SW) – they were fantastic and we were really impressed with your presentation skills. Its such a pity that we cant share them for you all to watch.

A big well done to everyone who managed to log on to Active Learn today and had a go at completing the Sea Shack Smash Challenge;

AA, EB, HG, OmCG, and JR (P3SW)  and MA, NB, JD, TG, SK, MM, MS and MW (P3FW)

Keep up the hard work and we will catch up again tomorrow.


Mrs Welsh, Mrs Settle and Miss Foote


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