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P2 Home Learning- Thursday the 11th of June

Good Morning Everyone!

Please continue to work through the numeracy and literacy activities from your pack.

We were very pleased to receive some photos of the wonderful writing you did yesterday. It was so nice to reflect on all the great memories that we have created this year. Please email, via the school email address, anymore example if you would like us to see them.

Today’s extra task is French!

French: We are revising the days of the week.

Please use the song and poster below to help you to revise the days of the week. You can practice singing along with the song and you can practice saying the days to someone at home with you.


Days of The Week French

Game: Write out all the days of the week (in English) twice. Cut them into little cards, spread them out and turn them face down. Take turns to pick a card. If you can say the French word for this day you can keep the card, if not it has to go pack in the pile. Keep playing until all the cards are gone!

Bonne Chance!

(Good luck)

Miss Morland and Miss Craig

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