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Nursery - Monday 15th June

Hello everyone!

Today is the start of our ‘Health and Fitness Fortnight.’ We will be spending the next two weeks keeping active and talking about how we keep ourselves fit and healthy.

We thought you might enjoy some of our favourite Tumble Tots action songs to get you started.


We would like to invite our nursery class to say a socially distanced ‘goodbye/happy holidays’ on Thursday 18th June. This will also give you the opportunity to pick up children’s wellies, any lost property or other belongings that may have been left in nursery.  We would love to see as many of you as possible, we have missed all your smiley faces.

Please note:

In order to follow social distancing guidelines we ask that only ONE adult and One child per family.

10am – 12pm PRESCHOOL children only. (Nursery reports will also be available for pick up at this time.)

1pm – 3pm  RETURNING nursery children only.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support,

The nursery team x


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