17th June 2020 - End of Day Blog
Good afternoon Primary 3!
It was lovely to catch up with some of you again today on the telephone and to hear how well you are all getting on. I hope the rest of you have all had a wonderful day too, doing some school work but mostly outside, enjoying the nice weather. It has been perfect for working on some of those Health Fortnight and Sports Day challenges. Have any of you managed to do today’s Daily Challenge, set by Mrs Messenger? It was quite tricky and I needed a few practice shots to get my aim right.
We also asked you to write a letter to your new teacher today and can’t wait to see what some of you have written!
Well done to those who managed to log on to Study Ladder today and have a go at the the data handling tasks: AC, EB, HG, AA, TE and JR in P3SW and MS, TG, NB, SK, MW, MA and EF in P3FW.
Finally, a little reminder that there will be a farewell event on Monday 22nd, if any of the you would like to say goodbye to your class teacher and to collect old jotters and work from your trays – bring a big bag, there’s lots!
Mrs Welsh, Mrs Settle and Miss Foote