P6h blog
Hello everyone!
Here is a snapshot of what Primary 6 would like to share about their learning this week:
We’ve been doing some orienteering in PE. I’ve enjoyed finding the clues around the school.
Our topic is World War 2. We’ve been learning about rationing and I enjoyed researching it with my group.
I have really liked learning about World War 2. It was interesting to learn about the role of propaganda.
I’ve been working hard on my spelling and I’m proud of how well it’s improving.
We did Bikeability Level 1 and the games we played were really fun. I’m feeling more confident on my bike.
I enjoyed making my own propaganda poster. Mine was about saving your kitchen waste to help feed farm animals.
I really enjoyed our code breaking activity and learning about the Enigma machine. I also really enjoy handwriting and I feel my handwriting is getting much better.
Orienteering and code-breaking have been my favourite activities this week.
In writing, we wrote a newspaper report about the outbreak of World War 2. It was fun because I felt like a journalist!
I liked writing a report about rationing as I found it interesting.
In Numeracy we’ve been learning about improper fractions. It was tricky at first but once I’d practised a bit, I found it much easier.
By P6h