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P4M BLOG IT! 27.11.20

Hello everyone,

P4M would like to update you with our learning.

J would like to tell you about how we have been learning Mandarin! We have been learning colour words. We have video lessons via teams. L thinks learning about Mandarin is pretty cool.  H is enjoying Mandarin where we have used our understanding to colour pandas and butterflies.  T knows that hei se is black and bai se is white.

B would like to tell you we made some turkeys when we were learning about Thanksgiving.  M would like to tell you we have been learning about Diwali.  E would like to tell you about the Guy Fawkes night poem we wrote using our cursive handwriting.  Remember, remember the 5th of November.  For Halloween, we celebrated by taking part in some spooky numeracy activities. N would like to tell you we have been learning all of this because our topic is festivals.

L would like to tell you about the rockets we made.  We then wrote Sci-Fi genre stories about them.

R would like to tell you about our fairy tale genre writing.  Her story was about an elf, a fairy and a wizard.

E would like to talk about maths.  We have been learning about telling the time.

M has been enjoying learning about the different things you can do on Microsoft teams.  K has been enjoying learning about this too,

A has been enjoying the NYCOS lessons in music.  NYCOS stands for the National Youth Choir of Scotland.

Z would like to tell you we have been developing our throwing and catching skills through PE.

Thank you for your support,


P4M and Miss M

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