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P7P Blog 4th May 2021

We have been learning about many exciting new aspects of our learning in P7P. 

In numeracy, we are continuing explore the four capacities of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing and we are using our skills and knowledge to answer worded problems. In maths, we are beginning to look at different 2D shapes and their properties. In particular, this involves demonstrating a good understanding of maths vocabulary such as edges, corners, symmetry and angles. We are also using our understanding of shapes to identify real life examples of where these shapes can be found and what purpose they serve – such as on transport, buildings and classroom objects.

In writing, we are evaluating our 7 years at Windyknowe Primary and planning our writing based on different experiences such as our funniest moments, moments when I was brave and times when I achieved. We are uplevelling our writing by using different adjectives and adverbs in particular.

As part of our outdoor learning for term 4, we will be using problem solving skills to complete many activities in and around the school. These will involve working together, persistence and resilience. We hope as much as possible for this to resemble the camp experience that P7 learners normally have.

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