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P4S Blog 28.5.21

We are having lots of fun learning all about the Titanic. We have been developing our skills in group working, research, writing, talking and listening, art and science.

I liked decoding French words while I was learning about the Titanic.  AA
I am shocked that the Titianic hit the iceberg and sank because it was super big and everyone thought it was unsinkable.   TE
Over two thousand people were on board the Titianic, including the crew and a couple of celebrities. One of the celebrities was John Jacob Astor. He was American and he did not survive. Another was Dorothy Gibson. She survived.  JWF
Some people survived the sinking of the Titanic and eventually they made it to New York.  AW
The people in first and second class on the Titanic ate baked fish, korma and rice and chicken. I was doing research and I found this out.  AH

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