P6W Blog Update
P6w Blog by J and C
Numeracy & Maths– In numeracy we have been learning about decimals. We learned to multiply, divide and round decimals. In Maths we have been measuring the weight of objects. The teacher passed around weights for us to touch.
Literacy – In Literacy we have been writing book reviews of our favourite books, for Scottish Book Week. We also created World War 2 fact files. In our fact files we had a pretend suitcase to put our things in if we were evacuees.
P.E – We were practising the slosh dance, for our Christmas party. P6 enjoyed doing parkour.
Topic – In Topic we are learning about World War 2. We drew timelines of the war and learnt about evacuees.
French – In French we have been learning to ask and answer `where do you live?’ and `my name is …’ and classroom instructions.
Health & Wellbeing – In Health & Wellbeing the class has been learning about the Earth Shot prize and COP26. In the Earth Shot prize lesson we were listening to the nominations for the Revive Our Oceans Prize and discussing which one we would choose to win. For COP26 we were learning what it meant.
Scratch – Every week we have a live teams meeting to code along with a professional coder.
P6w tuned in to a Money Matters online lesson, with other p6 classes and realised the extent of money. We learned whether or not deals were really worth it and different ways that we spend money
As Part of the COP26 Summit, we joined a live streaming of a performance of The Lorax Live.
Fairy Doors – In the woods we chose a decent tree to put our fairy doors on to create a fairy trail for younger children to follow. They look really beautiful.
On the Friday before Hallowe’en we had a class party. We did a dance along, spider races, apple dooking, Satsuma decorating and Hallowe’en Kahoots.
We also carried out research to help us decide what to make for our Christmas Enterprise and then we voted on our favourite idea