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Day 4 at Lendrick Muir (Our last day)

Day 4 at Lendrick Muir


Today we went to the Nightline. Nightline is where you get blindfolded and you have to go through an adventure course. You have to follow a rope round lots of trees and you have to go through a row of tyres.  It was a bit of a squeeze! You keep following the rope under logs and over some sticks. After that, you go under a bit of leather and from there you keep walking. The instructors were winding us up by saying that we were stepping in dog poop but it was just memory foam! From there you follow the rope to a massive tyre that has a net connected to it and you have to go through that. Then you follow the rope some more to a spider web that is made from bungee cords. Once you have completed it you can do it again without your blindfold and you can try to time yourself.

Today some groups also did the king swing. You need to get harnessed in and attached to a big metal pole. Your team needs to pull the rope to hoist you up until you say stop. Some of us were pulled right the way to the top. Then your instructor gives you the thumbs up and you pull a rope to release you and you start to swing. You go really fast and it gives you a big adrenaline rush which was great! We also tried a ‘try not to scream challenge’!  It was really scary but we loved it!

Today our class took part in Survival Games. There were rabbits, voles, foxes, deer, hedgehogs, squirrels and badgers. The rabbits, voles, hedgehogs, deer and squirrels weren’t predators but the other animals were. All the animals had to get food and water and had to avoid being eaten by the predators. To make things even harder, the instructors played the role of death and disease, roadkill and hunters.

Some groups took part in the pizza box challenge.  You had to climb a tower one at a time until you reached a platform, then the next team member climbed up until four of you could balance on the platform.  It is called the pizza box challenge because the platform really is the size of a pizza box!

The purple and green groups did the adventure park today which was really fun!  There were lots of obstacles including a big slide, underground tunnels and bridges.  One of our challenges included carrying a cup of water without spilling it the whole way round and making it all the way holding a rope, one person at a time.  We also did foot golf which was fun but really tricky.  We did some dribbling races between shots which was great.

The silver and black group did bushcraft today.  We had to collect wood, make a fire, make bread dough and then we cooked it on our fires.  The smoke got into our eyes and we stink!  However, our bread was delicious!  Some people chose to make sweet bread and some made savoury.  The sweet bread was voted the best!

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