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P5m Blog Update - Week ending 18th March

Over the last few weeks we have heard a lot of our class novel, Danger Gang. It’s very good and we think it’s a book that everyone should read. It’s about a boy called Frankie who writes diary entries to his friends because he moved house to Freaky Town. Lots of freaky things happen in Freaky Town.

In Art, we have been learning about sketching and we have been completed a sketch of an apple, rather than colouring it we had to shade it. We had to concentrate hard and follow the instructions carefully. We liked the clip that reminded us of what to do.

We learnt about Moses in RME, Moses freed the people of Israel. We painted a picture to show what happened in the story. We also split a page in our jotter into 4 and drew pictures to represent the parting of the Red Sea, Moses throwing down the staff, the burning bush and the 10 commandments.

In topic, we have been learning about eco-friendly inventions. We created our own and made them out of Lego. One group made an eco-friendly car, another group made a robot that can turn into a house, car and plane and a third group made a caravan. It was a fun activity because we got to use our creativity skills to make what we wanted and that would be good for the environment.

We were learning about quantities in Maths and fractions in Numeracy. We learnt that the top of the fraction was the numerator, the bottom was the denominator and that an improper fraction had a bigger number on the top than the bottom. We also now know about mixed fractions. The mixed number fractions were tricky but we persevered until we managed it. The final thing we did with our fractions this week was to simplify them. We had to use our division skills a lot when simplifying.

In Writing, we have been learning about expositions. We have been looking at different arguments and deciding what we agree with.

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