P6W Blog 30th Jan -24th Feb
In literacy we have been learning how to use commas correctly to separate items in a list and how to use a prefix and suffix to change the meaning of a word. As part of our book week celebrations we visited the nursery to share and read our favourite stories with them.
Maths and Numeracy
In numeracy, we have been learning how to identify factors of numbers and prime numbers and have been learning how to manage money, work within a budget and discussing the different ways we can save and pay for goods. In Maths we have been learning how to accurately measure angles using a protractor.
In science, we have continued our “Food Chains” topic by designing and creating our own rainforest creature and labelling their characteristics for survival. We did this by creating our own set of class Top Triumph cards.
In Health and Well Being we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe online. We learned about CEOP and they also help keep us safe online
In PE, we have been developing our ball skills for Handball and Tennis. In Handball we have been learning how to throw and catch the ball correctly and in tennis we have been learning how to do a forehand and back hand stroke.
In IDL we have been continuing our investigations into Scottish Myths and Legends. We have been discussing the difference between a legend and a myth and then investigated familiar Scottish tales such as the Loch Ness Monster and The Kelpies. We will also be researching the Dechmont Alien Landing and the Scottish Witch Trials. We even used art and craft materials to design and make our own mythological creatures.
As part of Languages week we decorated our classroom door to celebrate Chinese culture, linking it to Chinese New Year. We learned how to write our name in Chinese, created a dragon using our handprints and crafted traditional Chinese lanterns.
We have started preparation for our upper school show which is based on the work of the Beatles. We have been learning songs to sing and some of us have speaking parts to learn.
Mrs Welsh was telling us about how much she enjoyed learning to curl with her family so we have borrowed the cluster indoor curling equipment to learn some of the skills needed.