P6 Blog - Friday 26th May 2023
Class Assembly
Our class assembly was on Friday 19th and was based on the theme of Eurovision. We shared lots of facts about previous winners and sang three songs which were previous entries in the song contest. We learned the sign language for one of our songs called Love Shine a Light, created a handjive dance to Waterloo and added percussion instruments to Boom Bang a Bang. After the assembly our parents came back to class to see our jotters and meet our class chick.
Chick Hatching Project
After the Easter break we decided to incubate and hatch some hens eggs. First we had to get fertilised egg from the chicken farmer and then we used an incubator to mimic a hen looking after them. The incubator kept the eggs at a constant temperature, humid and turned then once every half hour. After 21 days the egg began to hatch. Two of the chicks needed help from the farmer but we were able to look after one in the classroom for a few weeks. We had a democratic vote and called him “Chapstick.”
Dynamic Earth
On Tuesday 23rd of May both primary 6 classes went on an excursion to Dynamic Earth. We took part in a workshop which linked to our class topic on space. We learned about space debris, how to follow instructions by radio communication, we created solar powered circuits, learned about water absorbent powders which is essential in zero gravity and we were also able to view the space station using VR headsets.
French Student Visit and Vertical Learning Day
On Thursday 11th May we had a visit from a number of French Exchange students who took part in our Scottish themed vertical learning day. Each of the p5, 6 and 7 classes were mixed together and worked their way around a selection of activities which included tasting traditions Scottish food, creating tartan, learning Scots vocabulary, creating art inspired by Scottish artists and learning the rules to Rounders