P7SW Blog August 2023
We have made a great start to Primary 7 in 7SW!
We began reading our new class novel ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth. We learned about all of the different factions and even created our own!
We are in the process of applying to be a member of the leadership team. Our first step was to write a persuasive letter to Mrs Angus about our skills and qualities and why we would be suited to the job. Our next step was to create a PowerPoint presentation which will be presented to the year group on Friday the 25th! Miss Smillie is so excited to see our presentations after all the hard work which has gone into them inside and outside of school!
In numeracy, we have been revising the four operations and will soon begin consolidating our knowledge of place value.
Pupil Voice:
‘I enjoyed designing my own faction to link to our class novel’ – E
‘I enjoyed creating facts about myself and making equations for my peers to solve’ – T
‘I enjoyed going outside for PE. We were working on our stamina’ – M
‘I enjoyed being able to see all my friends again’ – S
We can’t wait to tell you more in our next blog and look forward to sharing more of our learning!